Community Group

©2020 Biggleswade Community Group - A Not For Profit Organisation

Home About Us Our Partners

Biggleswade Community Group

Is a not for profit Community Organisation run by local volunteers. It exists to provide information to residents of Biggleswade and the surrounding villages, in a way which is easily accessible for all.

We publish Biggleswade Community News  A Monthly Newsletter available online or as paper copies distributed around the town.

Established in June 2020 we  launch initiatives to benefit the local community and forge links with other organisations.

More details here


UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2024  We are working with these partners . We recently added
The Bigg Theatre and are helping them to spread the word about teir events and funding needs. It is a great venue! Please support them.

Our main project is still the newsletter but now we have also organised a successful coach trip to Great Yarmouth.

Our AGM was at 7PM on Tuesday September 17 at Biggleswade Baptist Church. We thank them for providing the venue.

Our Printing is done by Solopress  If you need anything printed feel free to follow this link and claim £10 off your first order.

Many of our readers rely on our printed copy as they do not have online access. Printing is expensive. We have applied for a Town Council grant and are awaiting a decision hoping that it will be enough to allow us to continue as we are. We need extra funds to be safe.

Please give something if you can afford it and tell others about it if they want to support the project. Please go to our Just Giving Page or use the QI code.   

Thanks Alan Dansey, Trustee, Webmaster  and Newsletter Editor